Powerfully Scalable
From the first beacon to the hundred thousand our innovative architecture guarantees near real time performance and analytics. We scale for you so that you don’t need to worry about increasing demand to your services.
Born on Clouds
Designed from ground up to run on cloud, have maximum scalability and minimum cost structure we aim to provide top of the line SaaS experience to our users.
Easy on your IT Infrastructure
Built on common platforms and frameworks, our technology is also compatible with your own IT infrastructure.
Secure at Hearth
Beyond the standard HTTPS and MQTT security protocols, Radiofar IoT gateways provides hardware from Microchip for secure key storage, per facility key management and AES-128 encrypted communication.
Fully Adaptive
Radiofar gateways and beacons can be used from bare real time location tracking to fully automated industrial and business analytics applications. We provide extensive number of protocols, controllers and sensing modules for our gateways and beacons.